There's rivalry in the transcription rates company at the same time as with any company. Should you list transcription rates in your website is a matter of personal inclination, but the important aspect is frequently overlooked; giving the prospective customer everything they have to make a decision and move forward. They usually need services or in the close future when an expected customer is seeking transcription services. While some folks don't mind doing hours of research to locate the appropriate business at the correct cost, others what the in your face strategy; "Here is what my business is offering and this is exactly what you are getting for the cash."
"If I list my costs, this will allow it to be easier for others to have lower costs?" Think about this for a minute. If Company A has a price list easily available on their website, an expected customer who's prepared to get started can see instantly how much their job carry on and will cost. On the other hand, Company B may have good prices and excellent reviews, but if an expected customer has to email or call them await an answer, and to get the rates, they generally will proceed to another individual on the list.
It actually will not matter what your costs are; there will always be someone billing less and more than you than you. The most important thing is that you simply supply the prospective customer, who's prepared to purchase, if they choose to the chance to to carry on promptly.
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